Monday, September 17, 2012

The method of selecting the most beautiful and wonderful wedding jewelry and accessories

      Vous avez  choisi la robe de mariage ! Cela ne signifie pas, que vous avez terminé,aprés il faut choisir les bijoux et les accessoires pour étre une étoile brillante dans le mariage.

The following three steps will show you more idea :

The first step:

You need to know what type of fabric and embroidery were used to perform the wedding dress, then choose jewelry and accessories of the same color of the dress. For example:

 The dress was introduced pearls and diamonds in its design, it must be coordinated with the accessories are made of the same stone, or avoid adding jewelry absolutely.

The second step:

The form of the dress plays an important role in determining the accessories:

- Dress with slings: In this case, you can choose your favorite stones earrings, and completely away from the chains of different shapes and types.

- Dress topless: My approach to don a series of gold or diamonds with a pendant in the middle or in series with the subsidiary earrings.

The third step:

If you are not comfortable in your choice of big earrings, for example, or the heavy chain around your neck, you're not obliged to wear it, but still a lot of confusion feel significant comfortable and not. This means that the third step is to choose which relieves completely before anything else.

Note: hairstyle can replace some accessories such as placing roses or caps or crown on the head. Therefore, it is necessary to determine before choosing jewelry.

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