Monday, September 17, 2012

How to wear jewelry

    Stylish women know that wearing her jewelry, even if the main purpose of wearing jewelry is to add a touch of elegance to your clothes, but can become a bit distorted your clothes if they are treated in the wrong direction here some tips to help you avoid potential errors when you wear 

- Wear contracts and big bracelets with simple clothes is engraved, and avoid wearing jewelry with small. large jewelry should be the only objective of your eyes when you wear them.

- If you are a lover of large rings, wearing the ring and one of them, it was not all other cycles, whether large or small, with the exception of your wedding ring.

- You can wear different jewelry material, but of a unit, for example, you can wear two strings thin gold and silver together, but you can not wear a big chain and other purposes, even if they were gold.

- Wear Brooches elegant and simple, but creative, if you put in the installation and scarf to your clothing, for example.

- Be sure to wear your jewelry lengths depending on your form, for example, wear thin 
chain hanging down slightly collarbone open collar fits a lot (even if the circular fitness)

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